Join us monthly for the Dr.Howard Fredeen Research Room Drop-In day! Whether you are currently conducting research on a local topic, or just want to browse through local history books we invite the public to join us on the last Saturday of the month in the Research Room. During the drop-in time, only materials which are housed in the Research Room will be available for use – the reference library, the Lacombe Globe reference collection, and digitized photographs. Dr.Howard Fredeen Research Room Drop-In is partially a social time! Participants are welcome to share projects or ask questions of the researcher or one another. If you would like to be guaranteed quiet time in the Research Room please book an appointment via [email protected]
Please note that the Dr.Howard Fredeen Research Room is located on the second floor of the Flatiron Building and is only accessible via a flight of stairs.
If you need access to archival materials for research please book an appointment with our researcher via [email protected]. In your inquiry, please state the topic of your research as specifically as possible. Provide any known names or dates of the people or organizations you are looking for more information on so that our researcher can confirm the availability of resources. Learn more about our archives here.